Global Safe Technologies Inc.
In 1989, the Research Institute at the University of British Columbia, developed the Safe Solution® Anti-Slip Treatment for its founder, Mr. Don Dafoe. This was followed by the Maintenance Solution™, an all-purpose cleaning product formulated to maintain the microscopic anti-slip properties created by the Safe Solution®. Today we call this cleaning product Clean Step™.
The Safe Solution® is a remarkable deep-cleaning traction enhancer that has been field tested and proven in hotels, restaurants, office entryways, nursing homes, health clubs, industrial areas, and in recreational facilities, especially on tiled decks surrounding pools and spas. Safe Solution® is an exclusive formulation that has become one of the most effective and sought-after traction enhancers available in the marketplace today. Clean Step™ was initially formulated to be an effective follow-up cleaner to maintain and extend the life of a Safe Solution® treated surface. It was soon discovered that it was not only an effective cleaner for the Safe Solution® treated surface, but also as a very powerful multipurpose cleaner and degreaser for all cleaning aspects, at home, and in the workplace.
These superior products and applications thereof are government approved, and together, they make a Winning Combination.