- Over 540,000 Slip-Fall injuries, requiring hospital care, occur in North America each year.
- Slip-Falls account for over 300,000 disabling injuries per year in North America.
- One in three serious bone breaks for seniors result in death, within one year of the accident.
- Slip-Falls account for over 20,000 fatalities per year in North America – i.e. 55 persons per day.
- It is the second leading cause of accidental death and disability after automobile accidents.
- Slip-Falls kill more workers than all other combined forms of workplace accidents.
- Slip-Falls are the number one cause of accidents in Hotels, Restaurants and Public Buildings; 70% occur on flat and level surfaces.
- Slip-Fall are the leading cause of death in the workplace and the source of more than 57% of all disabling injuries.
- Slip-Fall accidents account for 30% of all reported injuries.
- There are social burdens related to this problem, including Worker’s Compensation claims over $1.8 Billion per year – i.e. 40% of all accident claims paid out. Worker’s Compensation and Liability Insurance Rates are increasing on the average of 30% per year.
- The focus should be on prevention, not compensation.
- The total expense resulting from slip-fall injuries alone is a $100 million per day